Friday, August 17, 2012

Tika Sumpter Covers Rolling Out

Stunning actress Tika Sumpter sparkles in Rolling Out just in time for her movieSparkle that features the late musical legend Whitney Houston.
Rolling Out described the actress as one who represents the new wave of fresh black talent that is primed and ready to show the world that true talent comes in all colors, shapes and sizes. In Sumpter, we found both the present and the future — which made our photo shoot and interview with her that much more enjoyable.

Peep some of the Q & A from her interview:
One of our first encounters with you was on “Gossip Girls.” How different was the experience of Sparkle with its all-black cast?
First off, I just want to say that I am very thankful for the opportunity that I received with “Gossip Girls.” To me though, acting is just acting. I honestly don’t like saying a black film, because on the flip side, we don’t call then white films. At the end of the day, when they say action, we all have to do the same job.
How did you channel your character Delores in the movie Sparkle?
I’m grateful to [screenwriter] Mara Brock Akil, because she expanded the role of Delores. I definitely think there is some of me in the character … she is a protector and a strong person, which mirrors my own personality a lot. The great thing about the role, is that I was able to really take chances and expand upon who Delores was in the original.

Describe the experience on set, and the chemistry that you had with your castmates.
It was an amazing experience. It really felt like we were a family working toward a common goal. Every part of that experience is something that I will keep with me for the rest of my life.
After being in the industry for a few years now, what is the one thing that you know about yourself that you didn’t know before?
Well, I know that I’m enough, and that I have something to offer the world. I guess now that I’ve grown up and gotten a little older, I know what I want, and I know what I want in a mate and I’m able to say it.  I’m not one to beat around the bush anymore. There was a time when I was so concerned about hurting people’s feelings, but it’s not that way anymore. While I still care about people’s feelings, I understand the importance of being able to express exactly what I want, and exactly how I’m feeling.
The entertainment industry can be extremely hectic. How do you block everything out, so that you can just focus on yourself?
Being that the industry is so crazy, some of the things that I do to just chill out and reflect. I’m kind of a loner… I love to be at home, where I can just shut everything out and either read or meditate. Sometimes, I just can’t be connected every minute and every second of the day, so I just turn off all of the electronics, and just focus on removing myself from the stress and the busyness of the world.
After seeing these pictures, and reading your spread, what do you hope that our readers walk away with?
I just hope that they are able to get the essence of who I am as a woman. I’ve worked really hard to be where I’m at today, and I still have a long way to go. But from this experience, I hope they see a person who works hard, but still appreciates the little things in life. I really enjoyed this experience, and I hope that comes across in this piece. I’m excited.

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